Friday, January 30, 2015

Looking at Art - MoMA

Free Admission!
"I knew it was an animal!"
Not exactly sure who the artist is...

 A. This artwork was somewhere around the MoMA... I forget the floor (lol). It was also clumped together with artworks with a similar style.

Like this!
The top right one is the Angry Cat artwork... and below that artwork is one of a goat. I don't remember the one on the far left...

B. This piece drew my attention because from a far distance, I saw an animal. Even though the piece was black and white, the contrast of the colors make the animal stand out. I didn't know what animal it was, but I clearly saw four legs, a head, and a tail. Actually, I lied... My first thought: Woah... Is that a demon? 

C. After reading the label of the piece, I learned that the animal portrayed is a cat... In fact, an angry one. I learned that the artwork is a lithograph, which means that it is a legal copy of the original. It was printed in the Mourlot Studios, located in Paris, France. Lastly, it was from 1953... by I do not know who... Since the label only says "the artist", the artist is not clear... Thanks label :/ .

*After matching the artwork on MoMA's website... I believe the artist's name is Jean Dubuffet, who is a French painter, sculptor, and writer.


Some other artworks :D

This piece was in the music section :O

So big! So detailed!

So cute :3
Close up!
I see you...
I think it's wax... but seriously, it's so gross...
I feel like this could be in a horror scene...
Pretty :)
.......... A wall?
Ohh... Lights...

I don't know who that person is (she would not budge...) but the monkey looks awesome :D 
Trippy :)
I don't know but reminds me of murder ._.
Since the lines and curves look like slashes...
You can hear Cindy at the end :)

This hall... Woah......


  1. Jean DUbuffet is well know for his deformed creature arts, including human deformation. How is the cat related to his style?

  2. I can definitely see the angry tone that the painting lets off especially how the cat's eyes stayed black. Also the rigid and angry lines almost make me think of static and how that can be chaotic as well.
